Top 20 NuGet log Packages

In memory trace listener extension for System.Diagnostics, along with required config sections. This listener is useful for unit testing that logging has occurred. Other Essential.Diagnostics packages extend the .NET Framework System.Diagnostics trace logging with additional trace listeners. ...
Email trace listener extension for System.Diagnostics, along with required config sections. Sends each trace message received in an email, using the specified subject and body templates. Note: Set a filter to avoid flooding (don't rely on trace source switch value). Other Essential.Diagnostic...
SQL database trace listener extension for System.Diagnostics, along with required config sections. Trace listener that writes to the database connection specified into a table created by the included diagnostics_regsql.exe tool (in the package tools directory). Other Essential.Diagnostics pac...
Buffered email trace listener extension for System.Diagnostics, along with required config sections. Adds formatted trace messages to a buffer and sends an email when the process exits, or on request. Other Essential.Diagnostics packages extend the .NET Framework System.Diagnostics trace logg...
Rolling file version of the XML trace listener extension for System.Diagnostics, along with required config sections. Writes E2ETraceEvent XML fragments to a text file, rolling to a new file based on a filename template (usually including the date). The E2ETraceEvent XML fragment format can be read ...
Seq trace listener extension for System.Diagnostics, along with required config sections. Writes to the specified Seq server URL, with additional properties as configured. Other Essential.Diagnostics packages extend the .NET Framework System.Diagnostics trace logging with additional trace lis...
This package exteneds the log4net.Elasticsearch adapter to support logging to AWS based Elasticsearch instances by providing a way to provide IAM credentials and sign the http calls to AWS using the Amazon Version 4 Signing Process.
Custom target for NLog enabling you to send logging messages to the Sentry logging service.
Enables saving a video of test execution
NLog Target that emits the log entries to a fluentd node
Pluggable foundation blocks for building distributed apps.
log4net appender that sends logs to the bulk HTTP service
Core library for Essential.Diagnostics, with a common base class for trace listeners. It also includes a generic formatter, a generic expression-based trace filter, and a file watcher for configuration changes. Other Essential.Diagnostics packages extend the .NET Framework System.Diagnostics ...
Adds configuration support to Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.EventLog. Simplifies the EventLog setup. Commonly used Methods: EventLogLoggingBuilderExtensions.TryAddEventLogAndCreateSource(...) EventLogLoggingBuilderExtensions.TryUseEventLogSource(string sourceName)
Pluggable foundation blocks for building distributed apps.
SQL Logger Library for .NET Standard
LiteXLog is internal logging provider for LiteX libraries.
Trace Management for .NET
MySql Logger Library for .NET Standard
Pluggable foundation blocks for building distributed apps.