Top 20 NuGet log4net Packages

CrossPlatformLibrary.MetroLogTracer is a plug-in for CrossPlatformLibrary which adds MetroLog tracing support. MetroLog is a cross-platform logging/tracing framework similar to log4net.
log4stash is a log4net appender for easy logging of exceptions and messages to Elasticsearch indices. You can configure few filters to analyze log events before they got sended to Elasticsearch similar to the filters on logstash.
DotGoodies.Testing.Log4Net helps to configure logging within tests. It can also intercept error and fatal messages so a test can assert this. An integration or unit test can use it during setting the SUT up and during the assertion phase.
It is a Fay Logging facade for the log4net. This facade provides a simple delegate logging API making logging easier, while helping to make sure any of the code required to generate a log message is not executed unless the logging level is within scope.
Gelf log4net appender
log4net.SignalR is a Log4Net Appender that forwards Log4Net events to a SignalR hub. From this hub it gets forwarded to its registered SignalR clients, e.g. to a JavaScript client in the browser. It uses the SignalR async signaling library to stream these events in real-time over a persistent ...
log4net appender that allow you to replace log information based on a regular expression
Nuget package to log requests made during HTTP request and responses on web applications
Nuget package to log requests made during WCF request.
This assembly is an extension to Log4Net to allow the logging in the Configuration Manager CMTrace format.
Socket Appender (Logstash, Tcp, Udp vs.) For log4net
Async module for Log4Net. Fundamental if you want to have logs with WebAPI. Send your comment, idea or bug on
An implementation of the Holotrek's Logging provider that uses log4net.
This enables compatibility between ErrorUnit and log4net
Allows you to filter log4net messages with fuzzy string logic
A log4net appender for MSMQ (Microsoft Message Queuing)
A log4net appender for LiteDB (