Top 20 NuGet localization Packages

A simple localization implementation that can work with different sources. Breaking changes in 3.1.x - See for more information.
Xamarin.Android bindings for Mukesh Solanki's Country Picker. A simple library that displays a beautiful list of all the countries allowing the user to pick the country he wishes and provide details like country code, ISO code name, currency and flag.
A Library for storing appliation localization data into a database
Xamarin.Android bindings for maayyaannkk's CountryPicker, a library to get country data (eg. ISD code, country code, name) from list of countries
ASP.NET Core provides services and middleware for localizing into different languages and cultures. You can create XML, Json concretes as your repository.
Abstractions for database driven localization provider AdminUI.
The library allows you to localize URLs. The language is automatically detected from the URL.
Proper localization class library for C#.
An extension to the jQuery Validation Plugin which makes it use Globalize for number and date parsing (enabling simple internationalized validation).
Asp.Net Core Tag Helpers to use when localizing Asp.Net Core applications instead of manually injecting IViewLocator. Usage To use these tag helpers add the following to your `_ViewImports.cshtml` file @addTagHelper *, Localization.AspNetCore.TagHelpers The package currently supports three tag he...
Class library that helps applications with language localization.
PostgreSql storage implementation for DbLocalizationProvider package
Provides support of plural rule compilation to the IL bytecode.
Translation abstractions extension pack for XLocalizer.
AspNetCore Mvc Localized Routing
key = key.Replace(".", "_"); line commented at JavaScriptLocalizationResourcesController. Provides ASP.NET Core specific features to the Westwind.Globalization library, including IStringLocalizer interfaces, JavaScript Resource handler and an on-line Resource editor to allow real-time editing of da...
A Xamarin library for .net that can help you to manage the localization in your application. The library uses Mafe.Localization
NETopes ASP.NET Core framework Localization package
A Blazor library for .net that can help you to manage the localization in your application. The library uses Mafe.Localization