Top 20 NuGet loader Packages

Loading indicator for WPF applications.
yepnope is an asynchronous conditional resource loader that's super-fast, and allows you to load only the scripts that your users need.
Loads application settings into your own custom data class
A simple library to load and execute bootstrapper classes in referenced dlls by convention
A collection of attached properties that let you specify a loading state view for any of your existing layouts.
DIContextAutoLoader scan for services and register them in your DI provider.
Xamarin.Android Binding for AgnaldoNP's AGSkeletonLoading, an Android library to provide a easy way to include skeleton loading.
Provides high-performance, async image loading capabilities to your Crosslight apps, featuring smart queue, smooth animation, and various cache options.
Scripting Base Library
Cross-platform native dynamic library loader for .NET. Provides advanced P/Invoke functionality using NativeLibrary, LoadLibrary and libdl. Supports Windows, Linux, and macOS.
At under 5K minified & gzipped HeadJS provides you with: * Asset Loader: Load scripts and stylesheets when you need them. head.load("file1.js" , "file2.js" , function() { done(); }) head.load("file1.css", "file2.css", function() { done(); }) * JavaScript Organizer: Defer execution to the bottom of...
Add-on for Mash.AppSettings to override with dev-specific settings
Load dll modules from memory directly
A Loader made with Lottie animation for Xamarin.Forms
A Loader made with gif image for Xamarin.Forms
Xamarin.Android Binding for İbrahim Süren's CirclesLoadingView, an Android Google Style Loading Animation Library for Android
Xamarin.Android Binding for Arbelkilani's CircularCountdownProgress, an awesome Android View for loading a countdown value.
C# reference loader for glTF
OWIN Middleware component to replace generic Http Requested files with locale specific files
This is a LinkLoader for Sape system ( intend to load links from sape API for your site.