Top 20 NuGet llvm Packages

A Swig-generated C#/NET wrapper of LLVM-C for Windows 10 (x64), Ubuntu 16.04 (x64).
ILGPU Algorithms library for high-level GPU programming. Samples can be found in the GitHub repository:
Pre-built LLVM libraries and headers for LLVM 5.0.1
A compiler, runtime, and API for GP-GPU computing using C# or any other NET language, for Windows and Ubuntu x64.
Windows x64 Pre-built LLVM libraries and headers for LLVM 6.0.0. This package contains the base LLVM static libraries built from the official source. They are primarily used to support building the Ubiquity.NET LibLLVM DLL which exposes an extended LLVM-C API used for creati...
Multi-platform native library for libclang.
This project provides .NET binding to LLVM dynamic library for Win32 and x64. To get the native library itself, you can reference LLVM.NativeLibrary from NuGet, and call LLVMDLL.Load. This will preload an LLVM DLL that matches your current processor architecture.
LLVM 3.4.1 package for to solve windows dependency issues.
Target specific Libraries for LLVM 6.0.0 (x64-Release)
Windows x64 Pre-built LLVM libraries and headers for LLVM 6.0.0
Keystone is a lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture assembler framework. This package corresponds to the csharp bindings in the official git repository.
This assembly provides native LLVM dynamic libraries for Win32 and x64. Just call LLVMDLL.Load, and native LLVM DLL matching your current architecture will be loaded. This resolves references to LLVM-3.3 from P/Invoke.
ILGPU Lightning library for high-level GPU programming. Samples can be found in the GitHub repository:
.NET Low Level Interop Bindings for Ubiquity.LibLLVM. Direct use of this low level API is discouraged, instead you should use the Llvm.NET package, which provides a full C# object model projection of the LLVM APIs on top of this library.
.NET Low Level Interop Bindings for Ubiquity.LibLLVM. Direct use of this low level API is discouraged, instead you should use the Ubiquity.NET.Llvm package, which provides a full C# object model projection of the LLVM APIs on top of this library.
C# bindings for the libclang c++ parsing library.
.Net wrapper for clang C API
Simple OO wrapper on top of libclang in C#.
Embed libclang binaries as assembly resources. To retrieve the embedded resources, use Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("");