Top 20 NuGet linux Packages
An easy to use, simple yet feature-rich open-source framework for writing middlewares in the form of low resource footnote Windows services, Linux Daemons or containerized microservices.
Takes care of multi-threaded service granular scheduling, shutdowns, restarts, error recovery.
Renders HTML to PNG or PDF, supports windows and linux
Winnovative HTML to PDF Client Library for .NET Core can be easily integrated in any application targeting the .NET Core or .NET Standard 2.0 and above to create PDF documents from HTML pages and strings. The library can also be used to convert HTML to images, convert HTML to SVG, create, edit and m...
Quick and easy console colors for C#/*nix
Utilize Bash shell directly in C#/.NET Core
LibVLC is a modular multimedia framework that can render video and output audio as well as encode and stream.
As it is native code, you will need to use a wrapper library such as LibVLCSharp to use it from .NET.
Gdal runtime dependencies for Windows.
Includes following packages:
* hdf4 (4.2.13)
* hdf5 (1.10.1)
* geos (3.7.0)
* proj (4.9.1)
* libkml (1.3.0)
* netcdf (4.6.1)
* sqlite (3.23)
* spatialite (4.3.0)
LibVLCSharp is a cross-platform audio and video API for .NET platforms based on VideoLAN's LibVLC Library. It provides a comprehensive multimedia API that can be used across mobile, server and desktop to render video and output audio. Mono, .NET Framework and .NET Core runtimes are supported.
VCards is a cross-platform, standard-compliant, lightweight, and forgiving vCard parser written in C# which supports parsing and serializing vCards.
This is a Raspbian tools built ARM32+ARM64 native library for SkiaSharp.
SkiaSharp is a cross-platform 2D graphics API for .NET platforms based on Google's Skia Graphics Library.
It provides a comprehensive 2D API that can be used across mobile, server and desktop models to render image...
VCards is your modern day vCard library which is feature complete, fully tested, cross-platform, liberally licensed, 100% standard-compliant, lightweight, and includes a shamelessly forgiving parser. This fully supports vCard(s) having version up to 4.0 including additional support for the custom e...
Port of Mono.Fuse package to NET Standart: C# bindings for FUSE
Silk.NET is a high-speed, advanced library, providing bindings to popular low-level APIs such as OpenGL, OpenCL, OpenAL, OpenXR, GLFW, SDL, Vulkan, Assimp, and DirectX.
A project for building a C# console application for .Net 9 using the Linux Simple I/O Library.
A project for building a C# console application for .Net 9 using the Remote I/O Protocol.
JCOBridge Templates - Templates to use the bridge library between .NET CLR (Core/Framework) and JVM (Java)
Ready made templates to create applications based on JCOBridge. The templates are ready made starting points, all information and APIs are available in the official website
SkiaSharp for Xamarin.Forms is a set of views that can be used to draw on the screen.
PowerShell module to create and manage Nuspec manifests and NuGet packages.