Top 20 NuGet linux Packages

The Material Design Icons font for SkiaSharp.Extended.Iconify.
The Material Icons font for SkiaSharp.Extended.Iconify.
The Meteocons font for SkiaSharp.Extended.Iconify.
The Simple Line Icons font for SkiaSharp.Extended.Iconify.
The Typicons font for SkiaSharp.Extended.Iconify.
The Weather Icons font for SkiaSharp.Extended.Iconify.
Consider this a bridge solution until the big gun loggers like Log4Net or NLog catch up with .Net Core/Standard 2.0 Provides the most basic functionality of logging for .Net Standard 2.0 and .Net Core 2.0 projects. The project allows logging to a file or the console, with timestamps, and with the m...
UniversalSerializer is a free open-source advanced serializer for .NET and .NET Core.
This package allow support for Serial Port in all Linux flavor Os including MacOS, iOS for .NET Core. It does implement a System.IO.Ports for Linux and iOS devices for .NET core using standard libc.
Complete, cross-platform, managed wrapper around the GLFW library for creating native windows with an OpenGL context.
Dijing.LinuxSerialPortHelper is a serial port library based on serialportstream .netcore
Core Library for Microsoft Application Insights Profiler.
Linux .NET Core Sqlite runtime libraries for Iridium
Run bash commands from within C# code that is running on Linux.
This .NET Standard library is a simple CFG/INI file parser. Main feature of this package is the possibility to parse INI file content directly into model classes, that are tagged by special attributes. Another feature of this package is the usage of different INI file formats, e.g. INI files in UNIX...
Extreme Optimization Numerical Libraries for .NET Single-Precision P/Invoke MKL Provider for Linux.
Extreme Optimization Numerical Libraries for .NET P/Invoke MKL Provider for Linux.
INDILib porting to a C# DLL: automation & control of astronomical instruments
“SkiaSharp is a cross-platform 2D graphics API for .NET platforms based on Google's Skia Graphics Library. It provides a comprehensive 2D API that can be used across mobile, server and desktop models to render images." ** This is a repackage of the third party SkiaSharp project for use with ThinkGe...