Top 20 NuGet linkedin Packages

KatanaContrib.Security.Pack is nuget package for adding all the implemented KatanaContrib authentication providers to your project
Free and Open Source fork of ServiceStack V3 Adds OAuth2 Providers for use in NServiceKit Web and REST Services. Includes built-in support for Google and LinkedIn OAuth2 providers. More Info on Auth Providers:
LinkedIn Authenticator Plugin for Xamarin.Forms
SocialAuth4Net is OAuth wrapper for popular social platforms that Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and soon Google+, others
Middleware that enables an application to support GitHubs OAuth 2.0 authentication workflow.
Middleware that enables an application to support LinkedIn's OAuth 2.0 authentication workflow.
Xamarin.iOS.LinkedIn binding library.
Xamarin.Android.LinkedIn binding library.
This .NET standard library enables access to different data sources such as Microsoft Graph, OneDrive, Twitter, Microsoft Translator, and LinkedIn. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit.
Unified Social Profile API for Xamarin.iOS by CloudRail provides an easy solution to login and get basic user information. This interface includes Facebook, GitHub, Google+, Heroku, Instagram, LinkedIn, Product Hunt, Slack, Twitter, Windows Live, Yahoo!. Get a free license key at: https:/...
LinkedIn API for Xamarin.iOS by CloudRail provides an easy solution to login and get basic user information Get a free license key at: Features: - Get profile information, including full names, emails, genders, date of birth, and locales. - Retrieve profile pictures. - Login...
Specifically for ASP.Net using the DotNetOpenAuth framework. IoC friendly using ILinkedInService interface. LinkedInOAuthClient linkedInOAuthClient = new LinkedInOAuthClient(...); OR LinkedInOAuthClient linkedInOAuthClient = LinkedInOAuthClient.CreateCookieBasedClient(...) THEN ...
LinkedIn API toolkit Majority of the LinkedIn API has been implemented. Sample and examples can be found at
Allows you to perform user authentication via DigitalOcean, Facebook, Foursquare, GitHub, Google, Instagram, LinkedIn, MailRu, Odnoklassniki, Salesforce, Twitter, VK (Vkontakte), Windows Live, Yandex,QQ,Weibo,Baidu,JD,Kaixin001,360,renren,taobao just in two method calls.
Simple library to parse an export ZIP from linkedin
Allows you to perform user authentication via DigitalOcean, Facebook, Foursquare, GitHub, Google, Instagram, LinkedIn, MailRu, Odnoklassniki, Salesforce, Twitter, VK (Vkontakte), Windows Live, Yandex just in two method calls.
The package helps to share any Umbraco document type in Linkedin, Twitter, and Facebook via one click. For now, you will never forget to share your blog post, news item or any other content on social networks. Please, carefully read quickstart tutorial to begin.