Top 20 NuGet linear Packages

P/Invoke wrappers around the optimized Kiwi C++ implementation of the Cassowary linear constraint solver for MonoDroid.
Generic, Configurable and Easy to Use Transient Error Handling API. Package contains template implementations of exponential and linear retry logic, block retry functionality and many options to configure retry mechanics.
2D math, helpers and utilities
The Boerman Math library containing some curve fitting things right now.
Common infrastructure
Native DLLs for LAPACKE
OpenBLAS.NET is a CSharp binding of OpenBLAS library: In scientific computing, OpenBLAS is an open source implementation of the BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) API with many hand-crafted optimizations for specific processor types. It is developed at the Lab of Para...
(Updated with MKL 2019.2.187) Intel MKL native libraries for Math.NET Numerics on Linux.
RGB Library