Top 20 NuGet light Packages

A client library providing .Net access to the EdStarCoordinator POST/JSON community web service.
Annotation class for Elemental Programming: provides Light element.
Annotation class for Elemental Programming: provides Dark and Light element.
Create client side (JavaScript) based Resource Localization in any web application. Extremely light-weight library, just 3KB (Minified) and 8KB(Debug) version. Implementing client side localization into any web application is always challenge. Most of web technologies provide localization using ser...
Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for .NET core inspired by express.js
Themable user notifications WPF control through pop-up elements
InplaceEditBoxLib provides a WPF overlay textbox control
Library to control optical parametric amplifiers by Light Conversion.
MvvmCross Plugin to manipulate device brightness
Important: Not a full Neo VM, just has the necessary functions to support Neo NEP6
Base dependency of NeoModules.NEP6project. It has the necessary original code from neo-project to support a light wallet.
The CB.CV project provides computer vision, image processing and light field methods based on Accord.Net to .NET.
T4 Templates for generating view models, and views for WPF, Silverlight, Windows Phone using T4 Toolbox and MVVM Light. Conforms to StyleCop rules, and optional Autofac/Unity DI container integration with View Models.
The ThemeManager class provides static methods to be used during app initialization to force the app's resources to appear as the Dark or Light theme.
Single C# (Source) file version - the ThemeManager class provides static methods to be used during app initialization to force the app's resources to appear as the Dark or Light theme.
Contracts for AggregateBus implementation