Top 20 NuGet license Packages
Eziriz IntelliLock LicenseManager - Needed for license creation and management
- This Library enables you to:
* open IntelliLock project files
* create license files
* read license files
* easily encrypt and sign data using the master key stored in your ...
Redistributable client validation components for Habanero Simple Software Licensing solution.
An MVC web application framework that provides support for demanding web application features like security for actions and controllers, license for modules, multi-tenanting etc.
License key generate and check framework.
VB.NET source file that contains a class "AcknowledgementAttribute" that may be used on any type (or method, property etc.) to give credit to the contributor of the code, including the exact license that applies.
Supported versions:
.NET Framework 2.0
.NET Framework 3.0
.NET Framework 3.5
.NET Fram...
VB.NET source file that contains an abstract base class called "LicenseInfo" that is used by various concrete licenses implementations and also by the AcknowledgementAttribute.
Do not install this package manually, as it is installed automatically through referencing NuGet packages where needed.
VB.NET source file that contains a subclass of LicenseInfo with the details to the "MIT License" (worded by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology) to be included through an Acknowledgement attribute in source code and libraries.
Supported versions:
.NET Framework 2.0
.NET Framework 3.0
.NET Fra...
A small tool to help CI system activate and deactivate Xamarin licenses.
DotNetLicense is a library that can be used to create and validate RSA signed xml license files which you can use for licensing an application. See for documentation, source, and examples.
A .NET library for consuming the Dutch vehicle database.
More information can be found on Access tokens can also be requested here.
Simple library with fluent API for creating and verifying signed licenses
Provide License Register GUI
Provide license API of InF Solutions Company
Total wrapper on WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) namespaces and classes to query hardware and software installed on the system for .NET Standard
Base framework from HardwareProviders libraries. Contains utility for read and write directly on computer ports.
This library use for parse PDF 17 USDL.
Example :- ParseUSDL usdlInfo = new ParseUSDL(barCodeData);
Gathers licenses of a project and/or solution as a JSON file.