Top 20 NuGet library Packages

Standard Class library for getting weather from open weather map's api
Portable syslog client. Platforms: * .NET Framework 4.5 * Windows Store * Windows Phone Silverlight 8 * Windows Phone 8.1 * Xamarin.Android * Xamarin.iOS * Xamarin.Mac * Portable Class Libraries Serializers: * RFC 3164 * RFC 5424 * Local (Linux/BSD/OSX) Transports: * UDP * TCP * Secure TCP (TL...
This package is synced with the Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource package. The Semantic Logging Application Block (SLAB) provides a set of destinations (sinks) to persist application events published using a subclass of the EventSource class from the System.Diagnostics.Tracing namesp...
This package is synced with the Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource package. The Semantic Logging Application Block provides a set of destinations (sinks) to persist application events published using a subclass of the EventSource class from the System.Diagnostics.Tracing namespace. Sin...
Window/panel display utility library written with roguelike/2D game development in mind, on top of the C# full color console library RLNET.
A .NET Standard 2.0 library for reading PDF files.
General test automation utilities primarily for use within the Team Controlium suite and associated frameworks
A simple message processing library that can support various source of messages.
Part of MLib, which is a set of WPF theming libraries based on MahApps.Metro and MUI
A library with useful methods, used by Terra plugins.
Responsive grid extensions for AvaloniaUI.