Top 20 NuGet library Packages

Enterprise Library Transient Fault Handling Application Block
Lightweight and full-featured data Grid control with NET60 support. The Grid Control for NET offers a very fast data grid for your Visual Studio projects. Includes NET Core support and improved javascript visualisation via jsGrid. Demo code:
An easy to use library for parsing files.
OdinSoft SDK Library for WinForm
A lightweight .NET library with re-usable resources/software components that can be shared among multiple application blocks or programs. It has a rich set of commonly used functions and methods with most of which are Extension Methods to assist software developers avoid re-writing code blocks and o...
Dynamics CRM Common Library is a collection of generic functionalities that give power to developers. This package adds the library as a CS file in your project, instead of a assembly reference.
Dynamics CRM Common Library is a collection of generic functionalities that give power to developers.
A simple plain text search and replace library.
A .NET thin extension library.
MingUtil some useful unitity for winform
.Net platfroms log service. Your logs write local file, bacup local and post remote server.
GPA Gemstone Threading Library
GPA Gemstone Numeric Library
GPA Gemstone IO Library
BizTalk Factory's document and property schemas for general purpose BizTalk Server development.
A Library that provides an ILoggerProvider implementation that posts log messages to any room in Chatwork.