Top 20 NuGet library Packages
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My mostly used extensions
Cross-platform file reader for windows Portable Executable file format.
Proof of Console (POConsole) is a console productivity tool for .NET developer's that want to prototype and run code in class libraries without writing virtually ANY boilerplate code.
This package contains the binaries of the Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL). ADAL provides a Portable Class Library with easy to use authentication functionality for your .NET client on various platforms including Windows desktop, Windows Store, Windows Phone, Xamarin iOS and Xamarin An...
FRC Utility Library
Simple .NET library containing everything needed for a custom Arma 3 launcher.
This is a .net extension's method library,it's support .net 3.5+,.net core,mono
Xamarin iOS Bindings for the Active Directory Authenication Library.
Xamarin Android Bindings for the Azure Active Directory Library.
YALLA.NET is Yet Another Logging Library Abstraction for .NET.
Supported Platforms:
* .NET Framework 4
* Silverlight 5
* Windows 8
* Windows Phone 8.1
* Windows Phone Silverlight 8
* Xamarin.Android
* Xamarin.iOS
* Xamarin.OSX
* Portable ...
YALLA.NET is Yet Another Logging Library Abstraction for .NET. This is the YALLA.NET Core.
Supported Platforms:
* .NET Framework 4
* Silverlight 5
* Windows 8
* Windows Phone 8.1
* Windows Phone Silverlight 8
* Xamarin.Android
* Xamarin.iOS
* X...
YALLA.NET is Yet Another Logging Library Abstraction for .NET.
Supported Platforms:
* .NET Framework 4
* Silverlight 5
* Windows 8
* Windows Phone 8.1
* Windows Phone Silverlight 8
* Xamarin.Android
* Xamarin.iOS
* Xamarin.OSX
* Portable ...
vBridge extends .NET's GUI capabilities by giving developers additional system features, and increases productivity by eliminating common boilerplate code.
A really simple validation library for .Net Framework, .Net Standard and .Net Core projects.
Package description AntixssLibrary
A simple paged list for dotnet applications