Top 20 NuGet libraries Packages

Laxton NIST Helper (.NET Framework 4.5)
Laxton Signotec devices controller (.NET 4.5)
Laxton Relay Controller (.NET Framework 4.5)
Laxton IntegratedBiometrics devices controller (.NET 4.5)
Laxton GreenBit controller (.NET 4.5)
Innovatrics IFace controller (.NET 4.5)
Laxton.Device.ElyctisMRZ (.NET Framework 4.5)
Laxton.Device.JenetricFinger (.NET Framework 4.5)
YYApp Serilog using Seq
Web library and component models
Common utilities for .Net.
Easy to use library for computing math formulas, mean and proportion. Is a basis of Rychusoft.NumericalLibraries. var calc = new Calculator("8^2+5-cos(2*PI)"); var result = calc.Compute(); // result = 68"
Easy to use library for computing derivative and function value at given point. var derivative = new Derivative("x^2 + 5 - cos(2 * PI * x)"); var result = derivative.ComputeDerivative(1); // result = 2
Easy to use library for computing differential equations. var math = new Rychusoft.NumericalLibraries.Differential.Differential(""3*x^2-5""); var result = math.ComputeDifferential(4, 2, 0); // result = 46
Easy to use library for computing zero (root) of a function. var math = new FunctionRoot.Hybrid("(x+1)^2-9", 0, 1.5); var result = math.ComputeHybrid(); // result = 2
Library for computing linear equations
Practices and patterns library
Parsing libraries such as csv and fuzzy matching