Top 20 NuGet less Packages
Adds HTTPHandler for ASP.NET to compile LESS files on demand.
This is a project to port the hugely useful Less libary to the .NET world. It give variables, nested rules and operators to CSS.
For more information about the original Less project see or
Sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile-first front-end framework for faster and easier web development. Package issues? Please post them here
The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
BundleTransformer.Less contains one translator-adapter - `LessTranslator`. This adapter makes translation of LESS code to CSS code. Also contains the `LessAssetHandler` debugging HTTP handler, which is responsible for text output of translated LESS asset.
Meta package to provide backward compatibility. Please choose either dotless.AspNet or dotless.Core.
This is a project to port the hugely useful Less libary to the .NET world. It give variables, nested rules and operators to CSS.
For more information about the original Less project see http://les...
Sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile-first front-end framework for faster and easier web development. Package issues? Please post them here
Core features to compile LESS files to CSS.
This is a project to port the hugely useful Less libary to the .NET world. It give variables, nested rules and operators to CSS.
For more information about the original Less project see or For more...
Compiles LESS, Sass, JSX and CoffeeScript files
Metro 4 is an open source toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS, and JS in Windows Metro Style
Font Awesome gives you scalable vector icons that can instantly be customized — size, color, drop shadow, and anything that can be done with the power of CSS.
See for help using the Less version of Font Awesome.
Please note that this pa...
Metro UI CSS a set of styles to create a site with an interface similar to Windows 8. This set of styles was developed as a self-contained solution. Package issues? post them here
HTTP handlers that transform *.less and *.coffee files into CSS and JavaScript resepectively on the fly.
Simple and efficient JavaScript and CSS minification for ASP.NET MVC
The JavaScript streaming build system for client-side code (HTML, LESS, SASS, JSX...). Gulp.js is a newer promising alternative to Grunt.js.
Less compilation and bundling implementation based on dotLess for the Karambolo.AspNetCore.Bundling library.
Bootswatch is a collection of free themes for Twitter Bootstrap. Check it out at
HTTP handlers that transform *.less and *.coffee files into CSS and JavaScript resepectively on the fly.
The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
Wyam is a simple to use, highly modular, and extremely configurable static content generator. This library provides support for parsing Less CSS content.
LESS extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins, operations and functions.