Top 20 NuGet key Packages

NList brings an enormous number of powerful, STL-like algorithms to the .NET platform for processing indexable collections. There is a handlebars.js-like text generator. It has a powerful IComparer builder. There is a DefaultDictionary class. There is a class to convert an object into a dictionary o...
The interfaces of Common Web Infrastructure. See README on github.
PWDTK Mobile (Password Toolkit Mobile) is a .NET API which easily allows you to create crypto random salt strings and generate password hashes using a HMAC SHA-256 based version of the PBKDF2 specification. It also contains an implementation of password policies which are enforced using regular expr...
KitaroDB is a fast and efficient NoSQL database that operates natively on mobile devices, WinRT, and Win32 (C++ and .NET 4.0) platforms. Designed with the app developer in mind, it offers both key-value and intrusive key data stores.
A lightweight .NET library for keeping an entity and its key synchronized.
Redistributable client validation components for Habanero Simple Software Licensing solution.
Attached behaviour for advancing focus on enter key. Useful for data entry forms
A jQuery plugin to permit only numerical digits and specified other characters being entered into an HTML element.
KitaroDB is a fast and efficient NoSQL database that operates natively on mobile devices, WinRT, and Win32 (C++ and .NET 4.0) platforms. Designed with the app developer in mind, it offers both key-value and intrusive key data stores. Compiler: Compiler: Visual Studio 2015 Update 2. Platforms: Win32,...
Nequeo cryptography key component
Small lightweight utility for creating friendly random keys and tags in the style of Youtube, Trello and others.
Windows low level keyboard hooking component
Simple library with fluent API for creating and verifying signed licenses
RESTful base client that can call any RESTful API. Supports the HTTP verbs GET, POST and PATCH. Deals with the HTTP status code 200, 201, 204, 300, 301, 302, 303, 305, 307, 400, 404, 409, 500 and 502. [covered by 60+ tests]
Package Description
libKeyFinder for .NET (native dependencies)
libKeyFinder for .NET