Top 20 NuGet kentico Packages

A widget resolver for use with Kentico 12 MVC sites and allowing the use of Portal Engine widgets as structured data in RichText areas.
RelationshipsExtended Helper methods for Kentico MVC
A sample widget for a video on how to build a Kentico Marketplace component.
Allows for easily selecting a date and time
Kentico Fluent Cache Keys is a utility that helps generate consistent cache dependency keys for Kentico CMS applications.
Adds the ability for a content editor to select a Font Awesome 5.x icon from a modal popup.
Adds the ability for a content editor to capture a latitude/longitude value by clicking a location on a map.
Adds CKEditor4 Wysiwyg editor capabilities for MVC. Includes Inline Editor and Widget implementation.
Adds placeholder image generation capabilities for MVC. Includes Placeholder Image Widget that integrates placeholder images provided by
Masonry image gallery widget using for Kentico 12 MVC
Tim Lemke - Seventyeight Digital
Authorization attribute that integrates with Kentico user permissions, including module permissions and page ACL permissions, leveraging the DynamicRouting.Kentico.MVC library for retreiving the page.
Bootstrap 3 based Section tool for Kentico MVC Page Builder, with Page Builder Container
Bootstrap 3 based Section tool for Kentico MVC Page Builder
Localized variations of the default DataAnnotation Attributes that allow your ErrorMessage to contain and resolve Localized macro expressions
Extends DynamicRouting.Kentico.MVC to support wildcards in urls which map to properties within Controller actions
Allows you to render another Page's content (including widgets)
This .NET Global Tool parses and processes content from the Font Awesome 5 web .zip and integrates that content into Xperience for use with Content Management