Top 20 NuGet json Packages

Transform json files using a json transformation schema
Encapsulated JSON serialization for custom value types
Utilities for working with HTTP-based API clients that use JSON on the wire.
Stream-based server and client handler for CXuesong.JsonRpc.Standard.
HttpClient-based JsonRpcClientHandler for CXuesong.JsonRpc.Standard.
Contains middelware to localize strings with JSON resources.
A JSONClient for Token based authentication. Targets .NET Standard 1.4
This helper class allows you to invoke RESTful services with JSON response type with ease.
A json string builder, built on `Newtonsoft.Json`'s JToken, using a Fluent DSL syntax, in C#.
Type-safe client-server communication for C# featuring Bridge.NET and NancyFx.
A .NET Core Library for converting Bencoded Dictionaries to Json Documents
AutoCSer.Serialize is a high-performance serialize framework that includes binary, JSON, and XML. AutoCSer.Serialize 是一个高性能的序列化组件,包括二进制 / JSON / XML 数据序列化。
AutoCSer.Json is a high-performance JSON framework. AutoCSer.Json 是一个高性能的 JSON 序列化组件。
Integer to Boolean converter for Json.NET
FuzzySerializer integration to .Net Framework
A simple Workflow\ETL system in .NET Core which uses REST services to interact with the outside world.
Lightweight network wrapper for working with REST servers
Lykke WampSharp Newtonsoft.Json support
JsonRpc 2.0 Server for .NET