Top 20 NuGet json Packages

Lanymy.Common.Instruments.EnumMapper.Abstractions 通用辅助类库. 序列化 ; 压缩 ; 数据流加密 ; 文件操作 ; 枚举扩展 ; 沙盒操作 ; 进程 ; 二维码 ; 反射 ; 版本 ; 流水号 ; 验证码 ; CMD命令行操作器 ; ffmpeg辅助类 ; 加密/解密 ;
Json.NET web client
This package is a direct port of Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json 2.1.1 for Newtonsoft.Json 9.0.1 support.
A Fluent JSON library for building Knockout view models (or any other JSON object) built on top of JSON.NET.
[WARNING: NOT PRODUCTION READY] Client for Zaz Command Endpoint. Super simple HTTP Command Interface. Uses WCF Web API as main transport.
[WARNING: NOT PRODUCTION READY] Zaz Command Endpoint Server. Super simple HTTP Command Interface. Uses WCF Web API as main transport.
Additional serialization provider for NanoMessageBus based on the Newtonsoft Json.NET library.
Json.NET Adapter for FluentDataContract. Use FluentContractResolver as the IContractResolver.
Share your ASP.Net MVC server side Controller data with your client side JavaScript.
This small library is a wrapper around the use of HttpWebRequest\WebRequest classes in the .Net framework and is designed to make the use of RESTful web service in a .Net application as easy as possible.
Json-RPC RT implements bidirectional JSON-RPC 2.0 protocol.
HALClient is a standalone client consuming HAL powered hypermedia APIs
This small library is a wrapper around the use of HttpWebRequest\WebRequest classes in the .Net framework and is designed to make the use of RESTful web service in a .Net application as easy as possible.