Top 20 NuGet Packages

Custom JsonConverters for Newtonsoft's Json.Net to serialize and deserialize various types.
Custom contract resolvers for JSON.NET, including a contract resolver with which one can easily exclude fields from being serialized without using attributes.
The simplest .NET configuration that could possibly work. Use Json in your .NET config files. Use simple POCO classes for all your config. Works with Azure ServiceConfiguration.cscfg too!
Server side extensions for WebApi 5.2 with EF6, oData v4 and Json.NET;
Server side extensions for WebApi 5.2 with EF6, oData v4 and Json.NET; Client side js library for jQuery >=2.1 and bootstrap >=3.0
Json.NET is a popular high-performance JSON framework for .NET
A Nuget Package for Contains Json.NET MediaTypeFormatter for Web APIs Which Enables You to Use Json.NET Serializer as The Default Json Serializer for Your Web APIs.
JSON will be transformed into a tree structure of the key of Dictionary, and use the Find(key1).Find(key2) method to get object.
sql commander using dynamic serialize/deserialize via
Forked Newtonsoft.Json to support Unity3D
This package implements the Serialization provider contracts via Json.NET
Provides additional configuration specific functionality related to Options using Json.NET. It's an alternative for Microsoft.Extensions.Options.ConfigurationExtensions.
Create MemoryConfigurationProvider with JSON string or JSON serializable object for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration using Json.NET.
Functionality to bind an object to data in configuration providers for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration using Json.NET. It's an alternative for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder.