Top 20 NuGet js Packages

Jot is a .NET library for use with JSON Web Tokens (JWT). Jot will take care of all your JWT creation, encryption(hashing), and verification for you. Jot was made extremely flexible, if you want to use your own hash algorithm, serialization, or set custom claims it's all there for you. What set's Jo...
A fast, robust and easily extensible organization chart layout library without any 3-rd party dependencies. Designed specifically to compute arrangement of rectangular boxes and connectors, for use by applications which represent hierarchical organizational structures in a user-friendly manner. MIT...
Core SPA functionality
Load data and chart configuration for ChartJS from server side using MVC
React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Declarative: React makes it painless to create interactive UIs. Design simple views for each state in your application, and React will efficiently update and render just the right components when your data changes. Declarative views make y...
A Screeps Profiler (screeps-profiler) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
The core implementation library for Frappe. Frappe is a compile time bundler for JavaScript, Css, and Less for high volume, high performance ASP.NET sites.
Ebriza API communication library
V8 Profiler (v8-profiler) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
ChakraCore C# bindings for .NET Core (Linux, macOS, WindowS) and .NET Framework
This client library allow you to easy include scripts and styles and forces them to refresh at every new publication. How to use: Example bundles: Use: @Html.RenderJs("/bundles/scripts") instead @Scripts.Render("/bundles/scripts") Use: @Html.RenderCss("/Content/css") instead @Styles.Render("/Conte...
This package provides all native binaries and internal scripts needed to run Edge.js. This package copies the 'edge' folder to the build directory and creates a link in the project root to make debugging possible.
A library designed to take a mustache style template file and generate a javascript file from it that can be used on a website to generate the page content from function calls and a passed variable object when necessary.
A library designed to handle mvc by defining classes through IModel, adding appropriate attribues and methods and properties. This will then generate js to interface with it based off of backbonejs and rest calls back which will be handled by the library.
Lightweight JavaScript router for implementation client side part of SPA
Gapi.Client.Gamesconfiguration binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
ECMAScript 6 (ES2015) engine