Top 20 NuGet javascript Packages

Quatro.js is a set of utilities to help you with common JavaScript tasks such as event handling, asynchronous calls, element styling, element selection, etc.
This package contains the required metadata to use Q with the Saltarelle C# to JavaScript compiler.
This package contains the required metadata to use Polymer.JS with the Saltarelle C# to JavaScript compiler. Install this package on the C# saltarelle project.
This package contains the required metadata to use Polymer.JS with the Saltarelle C# to JavaScript compiler. Install this package on the website project.
基于命名空间的 JavaScript 模块化开发组件(适用于合并 JS 场景)
A flat theme for Bootstrap, inspired by Microsoft's Modern Design Language (originally created for Windows Phone and Windows 8 and updated for Windows 10), Google's Material Design Language, and Apple's flatter design language for iOS.
A flat theme for Bootstrap, inspired by Microsoft's Modern Design Language (originally created for Windows Phone and Windows 8 and updated for Windows 10), Google's Material Design Language, and Apple's flatter design language for iOS.
Provides localized versions of each string used by WinJS for each language WinJS supports.
The Gem library makes it easier to work with furigana text, particularly on web pages. Gem uses a simple syntax to encode furigana information in Japanese text. The text to be displayed in the furigana gem is simply included in square brackets following the character or group of characters it r...
No html no cry. Many currently used modals use html codes prepared actually for the web page. Mustang-modal, allows you to create new modals interacted with javascript codes without the need of any html. It is simple, easy to use and it has many a lot of features.
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for systemjs. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 53e2682d22695f52e1be1fda36de5fc377b1633b].
Various libraries containing useful tools to help kick-start MVC projects.
This is to check timeout value and show a warning popup before timeout at client screen. You have to set session timeout value and warning time value in web.config and add js and css to the page just follow the 4 easy steps as described in a text file inside Instruction folder. This demo created in ...
Generate TypeScript ambient types from .NET types
noUiSlider is lightweight JavaScript range slider, originally developed to be a jQuery UI alternative. It features cross-browser support, a wide range of options and support for a bunch of touch devices. It has been tested on Android phones, iPhone & iPad, Windows phone and touch-screen laptops and ...
SeleniumShim uses implicit retry until timeout loops within calls to FindElement and user actions on IWebElement objects which solves race conditions and problems with 'stale' references to WebElement.
Pack of helper methods to make your life easier when working with Kendo UI® framework. More info:
Lumia Imaging SDK, now as version 3.0, makes technologies that Microsoft uses in its own imaging apps available to third-party developers. The features provide the ability to decode and encode images, apply effects, blend, crop, rotate, and resize both on CPU and GPU. It also allows the developers t...
DynamiControls Angular Modal Dialog allows creation of modal dialogs similar to FancyBox but without the use of jQuery.