Top 20 NuGet javascript Packages

Wrapper for the KendoUI Grid control for CSHTML5 Migration. Powered by Bridge.NET
Wrapper for the KendoUI Editor control for CSHTML5 Migration. Powered by Bridge.NET
Common classes for the wrappers for the KendoUI controls for CSHTML5 Migration. Powered by Bridge.NET
A Blazor Component that brings Blazor-style static content to Razor Components
Cloudflare Javascript & reCaptcha challenge (I'm Under Attack Mode or IUAM) solving / bypass .NET Standard library.
JavaScript AST Parsing, Optimization, Mangling, Bundling, Printing also with SourceMaps
Fingerprintjs2 HtmlHelper for ASP.NET Core 2 and 3
WebSharper extension for Dojo Toolkit
Classes for the wrappers for the DevExtreme Datagrid for CSHTML5. Powered by Bridge.NET
Standard-compliant ECMAScript 2016 parser (also popularly known as JavaScript or ES6).
A Transformalize validator using Jint
A Transformalize transform Autofac module using Jint 3+
A Transformalize transform using Jint
A collection of useful Blazor JavaScript interop functions
Javascript console library for Blazor projects. Depends on Microsoft.JSInterop
Blazor JavaScript Utilities.
Class library that extends Microsoft.JSInterop functionality.
YantraJS JavaScript Engine with CSX Module Support