Top 20 NuGet javascript Packages

This package contains the required metadata to create a SOAP client that consumes a web service. Used along with Quicklight.Web it allows for the creation of Rich Internet Applications. See for further details
Uses PhantomJS to run your mocha/chai/sinon test suite, shows results in your NUnit test runner
QUnit addon to run multiple test suites from a single file.
The knockout viewmodel plugin allows you create complex observable viewmodels easily and with more structure and control than ever before.
StateRouter.js is a small JavaScript library intended to extend the History.js HTML5 history library with routing capabilities.
Adds ajax capabilities to scalable JavaScript application (jQuery is the base library).
An http module for moving/minifying inline scripts and includes to the bottom of the pages. Used to optimize page loading times due to scripts loading at the end.
This package contains the required metadata to use QUnit with the Saltarelle C# to JavaScript compiler.
This package contains the required metadata to use Node.JS with the Saltarelle C# to JavaScript compiler.
Adds LINQ capabilities to Scalable JavaScript application (based on linq.js)
Statechart extension for scalable JavaScript application (based on Jacob Beard's SCION).
Isotope Knockout binding.
Simple JavaScript clone generator for ASP.NET WebAPI.
Modern UI (aka Metro UI aka Window 8 UI) extension for scalable JavaScript application (based on Metro UI CSS
JavaScript library to do store and forward in the browser using browser localstorage as intermediary store. This is the core library that does not have any transport to actually send or receive messages with server. Create one of your own or use JSBus.SignalR package for SignalR based transport impl...
Tool for auto generation of javascript proxy libraries to consume web api's
Easy to use JavaScript two way binding framework.
Easy to use JavaScript two way binding framework.
Easy to use JavaScript templating and binding framework.
Easy to use JavaScript two way binding framework.