Top 20 NuGet jqueryui Packages

jQueryUI binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
A content management system for WebForms. Bootstrap compatible, built in image manager and drag and drop image uploading. Includes jquery UI tools, data binding and data accessor layer. Can be used with SQL server, mySQL or SQLite. Uses SQLite by default.
.NET Data grid for fast editing. Add the grid, give it a table name and it will add/update/delete. Includes searching and paging. Uses free-jqgrid.
PagedList extension for ASP.NET MVC (razor) with custom html-pager for bootstrap.
This package is MVC Scaffolding for generating Razor Views automatically enhanced with jQuery UI and Wijmo. You will need Wijmo Complete installed and referenced in order to use this scaffolding. Wijmo Complete is a commercial kit of jQuery UI widgets for building Web applications.
This package contains the required metadata to use jQuery UI with the Saltarelle C# to JavaScript compiler. It is a slightly modified version of the jQuery import library from the Script# project by Nikhil Kothari (
Metro Theme for Wijmo. This Theme is also usable with jQuery UI Widgets.
the jQuery UI flat theme,use with same version of jquery ui...
Package will help you to build AngularJS code according to Angular Best Design Guidelines for ASP.NET MVC or WebAPI applications. Package includes Angular UI Material JS libraries and respective CSS.
Provides a set of MVC helper and extension methods (that depend on the T4MVC templating engine) for the popular Bootstrap, Gumby and jQuery UI CSS frameworks. Includes other MVC helpers which can be used in core MVC development as well.
PagedList extension for ASP.NET MVC (razor) with custom html-pager for bootstrap. Adjusted for X.PagedList, needs some improvement perhaps. But works for me
A simple jQuery plugin that uses the jQuery UI highlight and error css classes to display info and error messages.
Filament Group Lab Example From Page from: Date Range Picker using jQuery UI 1.6 and jQuery UI CSS Framework
A simple jQuery plugin that uses the jQuery UI highlight and error css classes to display info and error messages.
A JQuery plugin to allow in-place visual editing of simple HTML markup. This package only contains the core of the distribution, and so is only available under the MIT license. If you wish to license this package under the GPL, please visit the project website.
The Surge SlickGrid Extensions is a set of open-sourced tools that will make using grids in your application a breeze.