Top 20 NuGet ios Packages

Xamarin binding for SwiftCBOR: a CBOR implementation for Swift
Xamarin binding for Starscream: websockets in swift for iOS and OSX
XCore - Notification Service component for Xamarin iOS
A simple Xamarin.Forms view to display video as background.
The Intercom Xamarin SDK, for integrating Intercom into your Xamarin iOS application.
Plugin Description
Contador de ticks (1 segundo) para Xamarin Forms Llama a TickImplementation.Init(); en todas las plataformas Uso: CrossTick.Tick += (tick, args) => { // logica }; CrossTick.Start(); CrossTick.Stop();
This library is a ported project from MVC.ResumingActionResults owned by Erik Noren. Resuming Action Results brings support for HTTP Byte Range requests to ASP.NET MVC transparently. The ActionResults included in this package mirror the familiar FileResult actions. This supports iOS device str...
Xamarin badge notification tools
Easily create customizable tabbed pages with options for top or bottom positioning, customizable header height, color, and content, tab page/content change events, and more! Perfect for creating a seamless user experience.
Package Description
Package Description
If you want to support Screen Share using the iOS Zoom SDK, this is the binding for you.
Xamarin.iOS Binding for Zoom SDK. This library only supports the device build. If you want to run using simulator, this is not for you.
Paquete para consumir los servicios de OpenPay con la mejora que admite CVV2 con ceros al inicio
BKM Express Xamarin SDK
Xamarin Binding Libraries of MobileDocs SDK for Xamarin iOS and Android
Package Description