Top 20 NuGet ios Packages

This NuGet package intended for the Blazor application side of the BlazorMobile package.
A project template for creating an iOS, Android & UWP app from a Blazor app that runs on WebAssembly & a Windows, Linux, macOS app from a Blazor app that run on Electron and .NET Core. This template can be used for web apps with rich dynamic user interfaces (UIs).
Build mechanism for BlazorMobile toolset on ElectronNET / Desktop target.
Build mechanism for BlazorMobile toolset on Android target.
This package adds Vulkan support to SkiaSharp via SharpVk.
Xamarin.Forms Library that targets Android and iOS, to trim videos
Cross-platform Quciblox Sdk for Xamarin iOS/Android/Forms, Xamarin.Mac/MonoMac, Windows Phone 8/8.1, Windows Store and Windows Desktop.
The component contains a versatile and easy-to-use validation, giving dynamism to your application, has a form that takes the auto validate components and enables the auto submit button when the data is valid. They can also be used independently for numbers, string and email. You can receive a label...
Checkbox Radiobutton Xamarin
Button Image.
Easily open a special, non-privileged ICMP socket that allows you to send and receive pings.
a jQuery plugin for mobile web development on the iPhone, iPod Touch, and other forward-thinking devices.
Compile-time static analysis and optimization for the Stiletto IoC library.
Simple Push Notification class library to send notifications to Android and iOS Find configuration information at
A very extensive set of extension methods that allow you to more naturally specify the expected outcome of a TDD or BDD-style unit test. This package adds Xamarin support. Supports the unit test frameworks xUnit, NUnit PCL and NUnitLite.
A portable api for filesystem io using a unified interface.
Create a new unit test project. Add this NuGetPackage. Build.
This is the iOS mobile platform for Eto.Forms UI Framework. Include this along with your Eto.Forms application to provide an iOS interface for iPhone/iPad/iPod touch users using Xamarin.iOS. You do not need to use any of the classes of this assembly (unless customizing the iOS functional...