Top 20 NuGet ios Packages

Made with pleasure but serious. A C# cross-platform game toolkit to create 2d and 3d games. This package is intended for development on iOS platform. See more info at
Plugin that makes it easy to handle all sorts of settings, more precisely, values of any type that is accessed through a key. This plugin was inspired by another similar component written by James Montemagno, but I used a different approach to data handling and usage. This plugin uses the native se...
The Font Awesome font for SkiaSharp.Extended.Iconify.
The Ionicons font for SkiaSharp.Extended.Iconify.
The Material Design Icons font for SkiaSharp.Extended.Iconify.
The Material Icons font for SkiaSharp.Extended.Iconify.
The Meteocons font for SkiaSharp.Extended.Iconify.
The Simple Line Icons font for SkiaSharp.Extended.Iconify.
The Typicons font for SkiaSharp.Extended.Iconify.
The Weather Icons font for SkiaSharp.Extended.Iconify.
Simple ImagePicker (camera and gallery) with cropper for Xamarin.Forms (Android and iOS).
Provides a way to take users to the settings page for your application for iOS, and Android.
Resize UWP, Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS assets automatically.
Log plugin for all .Net platform
Provides an easy way to navigate between pages in xamarin.Forms It supports: 1) Xamarin.Forms.Android 2) Xamarin.Forms..iOS 3) Windows.Forms.UWP 4) Windows.Forms.Store 5) Windows.Forms.Phone
Read everything from iOS Wechat data folders.
Share File plugin for Xamarin iOS, Android and Windows
Native Sqlite libraries for UWP and Windows