Top 20 NuGet ioc Packages

Common Service Locator adapter for Maestro.
Adds dynamic proxy interception to Maestro.
Nancy.Bootstrapper.Grace is a Nancy bootstrapper using Grace for dependency injection
HaveBox Web Extensions Supports easy HaveBox integration with: ASP.NET MVC4 ASP:NET Web API Supported Frameworks: .Net 4.0, 4.5 and 4.5.1
Asp.Net Mvc factories for Cortoxa Framework
Asp.Net factories for Cortoxa Framework
A feature flipping system with Unity.
Unity Adapter for Griffin.Framework Allows you to use Autofac for all IoC features in Griffin.Framework
This handy extension allows you to define code regardless of the final IoC container, this is to allow you to use unity
This handy extension allows you to define code regardless of the final IoC container, this is to allow you to use structuremap
This handy extension allows you to define code regardless of the final IoC container, this is to allow you to use Autofac
Allows types registration in Unity IoC container using naming conventions.
A flexible auto-registration module that extends Simple Injector Inversion of Control IoC container ( By default, this will register the basic types with simple registrations, including more complex generics. It also adds support for your IEnumerable<>, Lazy<>, and Fun...
An extension to the LightInject service container that enables dependency injection in xUnit test methods.
This handy extension allows you to define code regardless of the final IoC container, this is to allow you to use Ninject
A C++11 Concurrent Inversion of Control framework
UnityRegistrationValidator is a simple Microsoft Unity Extension which allows to verify setup for ContainerControlledLifetimeManager dependencies.
MEF IoC Container support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
All interfaces used by ModuleInject.