Top 20 NuGet ioc Packages

The reference is out of date. Please update to the latest packages available in the The custom Mef Bootstrapper that compatible with WPF, WinForms and Console applications. Wisely support from .Net 4.5 to .Net 4.7 and from .Net Standard 1.6 to .Net Standard 2.0.
The package Provides a solution for the UnitOfWork patterns together with inversition of control. It is the core abstractions, interfaces and core classes that can be used for any ORM. On the project site there are examples of Autofact, Castle.Windsor, Ninject, Simpleinjector, StructureMap, a...
Aspect Oriented Programming Support for StructureMap
The Mef (Dependence injection) for Mvc5 and Mvc6.
Mock Ioc Helpers. It helps instiantiation of classes through IOC and automock. Based on Moq and DryIOC. Provides MockUnitTestFixture WriterUnitTestFixture
mvc and webapi integration of Stardust.Nucleus
Please use Autofac.Extensions.DependencyInjection. This package is obsolete.
Injects SharpRepository using StructureMap in your .NET Core apps or even using Microsoft.DependencyInjection library.
IronFramework Common IOC for EntLib
Dependency injection library for .NET
Mailgun Email Sender API Wrapper for ASP.NET Core apps With this useful service you can send email through Mailgun. API Key and other params are set in the sender class constructor. Intended use is within ASP.NET Core apps using MVC; inject the service into the DI container (inside Startup.cs use ...
Use Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection in mvc and webapi
Unity for Microsoft Dependency Injection framework.
Dynamo IoC is a super fast and lightweight IoC Container.
Munq IOC Container - A very fast Dependency Injection container for Web Applications. 3.1.6 - fixed bad web.config.transform file in package 3.1.5 - corrects the bad implementation for disposing of Request Lifetime instances. 3.1.4 - Disposes of RequestLifeTime instance when HttpRequest ends. ...
Among the fastest of IoC containers. Light weight, effective and easy to use. Features: 1 interface to many implementations Auto IEnumerable Auto registration Auto-wiring Config Injection Container configuring through sub-configs Custom lifetime Eager/Lazy Singletons Injection with in-memory assem...
Abtract IoC service locator