Top 20 NuGet interpolation Packages

MathCore Library - Numerical Analysis
Evaluate expressions inside strings
C# library for fast multi-dimensional inverse distance weighting (IDW) interpolation.
Stringy is a simple and light-weight runtime string interpolation engine. The purpose of the library is to provide something that's easier to use and more light-weight than Runtime Text Templates or RazorEngine, but a little more powerful than string.Replace().
This library provides a variety of intuitive mathematics APIs.
An F# module for interpolation sets of data into functions that are fairly accurate over a certain range. Uses the Hermite interpolation method.
Easy Tweening Library for .NET
Easy Tweening Library for .Net (x64)
A format provider for string.format that can use dictionary keys or property names as formats i.e "{0:Username} joined on {0:JoinDate:D}" produces "John Doe joined on Thursday, October 22, 2014"
2D math, helpers and utilities
A fluent library of wonderful extensions and utilities that can make your code short and clean.
(Updated with MKL 2019.2.187) Intel MKL native libraries for Math.NET Numerics on Linux.