Top 20 NuGet interop Packages
Plexus Interop is metadata-centric language-agnostic desktop app-to-app interoperability framework with extensible model for launching new instances of desktop Apps on demand.
Plexus Interop is metadata-centric language-agnostic desktop app-to-app interoperability framework with extensible model for launching new instances of desktop Apps on demand.
Plexus Interop is metadata-centric language-agnostic desktop app-to-app interoperability framework with extensible model for launching new instances of desktop Apps on demand.
Plexus Interop is metadata-centric language-agnostic desktop app-to-app interoperability framework with extensible model for launching new instances of desktop Apps on demand.
PDFiumCore is a wrapper for pinvoke bindings to allow for direct PDFium usage in all languages which support .NET Standard 2.1. Includes the runtime native binary files for Linux-x64, Osx-x64, Win-x86 & Win-x64 targets.
Support for LINQ using System.Data.SQLite.
PInvoke API (methods, structures and constants) imported from Windows User32.dll and specific to graphics or window management.
Methods, structures and constants imported from Crypt32.dll.
Plexus Interop is metadata-centric language-agnostic desktop app-to-app interoperability framework with extensible model for launching new instances of desktop Apps on demand.
Rich data types to work with unmanaged memory in a safe manner
Allows you to use some user32 WinAPI methods.
PInvoke API (methods, structures and constants) imported from Windows SetupAPI.dll.
PInvoke API (methods, structures and constants) imported from Windows SHCore.dll.
PInvoke API (methods, interfaces, structures and constants) imported from Windows WsmSvc.dll for Windows Remote Management.
PInvoke API (methods, structures and constants) imported from Windows WTSApi32.dll.
PInvoke API (methods, structures and constants) imported from Windows Version.dll.
Plexus Interop is metadata-centric language-agnostic desktop app-to-app interoperability framework with extensible model for launching new instances of desktop Apps on demand.
An easy to use installer for embedded or downloaded python distributions for use with pythonnet or pythonnet_netstandard
Plexus Interop Broker Binaries
NetOffice MSProject library for extending and automating Microsoft Project.
NetOffice is a set of libraries and tools for building addins, extending and automating Microsoft Office applications.
NetOffice supports extending and automating Microsoft Office applications: Excel, Word, Outlook, PowerPo...