Top 20 NuGet interop Packages

F# Async workflow <--> .NET Task easy seamless interoperability library.
Class library that extends Universal.Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web.
Utilities for accessing SPSS .SAV files using managed code.
Cross-platform native dynamic library loader for .NET. Provides advanced P/Invoke functionality using NativeLibrary, LoadLibrary and libdl. Supports Windows, Linux, and macOS.
The COM interop assembly axbricscadapp1.dll for BricsCAD 17 tlb-imported with tlbimp.exe. For more information read on here :
Python and CLR (.NET and Mono) cross-platform language interop
Provides supporting types for interoperation between Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Windows Forms and other technologies such as Win32 APIs and provides base classes for other specific interoperation scenarios.
An implementation of the Tcl scripting language. This package contains the MSBuild tasks and PowerShell cmdlets that enable integration [with Eagle] as well as the command-line shell [for Eagle].
An implementation of the Tcl scripting language. This package contains the MSBuild tasks and PowerShell cmdlets that enable integration [with Eagle] as well as the command-line shell [for Eagle].
An implementation of the Tcl scripting language.
zlib pinvoke library for .NET. The library provides the fast native implementation of DeflateStream, ZLibStream, GZipStream. It also supports fast calculation of CRC32 and Adler32 checksum. Supports Windows, Linux and macOS.
XZ Utils (liblzma) pinvoke library for .NET. The library provides the fast native implementation of XZStream. It also supports fast calculation of CRC32 and CRC64 checksum. Supports Windows, Linux and macOS.
The COM interop assembly axbricscadapp1.dll for BricsCAD 19 tlb-imported with tlbimp.exe. For more information read on here :
The ScipBe.Common.Office namespace contains 3 classes: ExcelProvider (LINQ to Excel), OutlookProvider (LINQ to Outlook) and OneNoteProvider (LINQ to OneNote). The ExcelProvider loads an Excel worksheet or CSV file and provides column definition and row collections. The OutlookProvider is a wrapper c...
NetOffice Excel API, the .NET Wrapper Assemblies for accessing MS Office Excel. This NuGet package targets the .NET Framework 2.0
NetOffice Excel API, the .NET Wrapper Assemblies for accessing MS Office Excel. This NuGet package targets the .NET Framework 3.0