Top 20 NuGet interface Packages

The Microsoft ASP.NET MVC hosting library for the "More" framework.
Audit Trail application service interfaces.
Identity Management application service interfaces.
A basic configuration model abstraction designed to simplify development by allowing changes in underlying configuration at any time.
A simple GUI library for .NET, based on Gwen. This library is renderer agnostic, an OpenTK renderer exists in the Gwen.Renderer.OpenTK package.
Implementation for app settings
Interface for settings component
Framework Interfaces
A wrapper for ConfigurationManager or WebConfigurationManager to help with unit testing and dependency injection.
An interface for ConfigurationManager or WebConfigurationManager to help with unit testing and dependency injection.
Implement generic sortable list item objects that are not associated with controls Documentation available at: Issues and bug tracker available at:
.NET Framework v4.0 interface for module development on Azure IoT Edge.
A library that allows for a stable and simple serial communication between Arduino(s) and the host computer.
.NET Standard v1.3 interface for module development on Azure IoT Edge.
.NET Core 2.0 command line application framework.
A state machine that uses a proxy interface for triggering.
Common interfaces for DB