Top 20 NuGet inmemory Packages
RocketMod .NET Game Server Plugin Framework EntityFrameworkCore InMemory integration
IdeaStudio AspNetCore BaseControllers
In memory storage support for Minion, background job system for .NET applications.
AopCaching - A aop cache library, that does not intrude on existing project code. Support memory and redis.
Extension for fixed size tagged log located in memory with Microsoft Logging API
Extension for fixed size tagged log located in memory with Grafana Loki API
Extension for logging (CappedLog) and scraping (Grafana.Loki) data
FileContext is a data access layer (DAL) Framework for rapid data driven application development (RDDAD) append to EntityFramework.
Super easy-to-use in-memory threadsafe library for .net.
FileContext.MongoDb is a data access layer (DAL) Framework for rapid data driven application development (RDDAD) (MongoDb Store Provider).
MultiTenancyServer stores library.
AopCaching - A aop cache library, that does not intrude on existing project code. Support memory and redis.
AopCaching - A aop cache library, that does not intrude on existing project code. Support memory and redis.
AopCaching - A aop cache library, that does not intrude on existing project code. Support memory and redis.
AopCaching - A aop cache library, that does not intrude on existing project code. Support memory and redis.
AopCaching - A aop cache library, that does not intrude on existing project code. Support memory and redis.
AopCaching - A aop cache library, that does not intrude on existing project code. Support memory and redis.