Top 20 NuGet injection Packages
Helper for Noksa.NUnit.Allure package. Added net.core support
Upgrade your console application and use the same pattern as .NET Core MVC projects to configure services, logging, and use application settings.
Use these extensions to build Xamarin.Forms applications with Prism and Autofac.
SimpleConfig allow applications to use configurations values from any data store in the type of interfaces, thus decouples the frameworks from your appliaction and allowing application to inject interfaces and nothing else.
This framework should be used instead of .Net Core IOptions<T>.
Base package for auto mocking constructor arguments
The purpose of this library is to help developers with dependency injection per HTTP request context. This is currently not available via the default dependency injection infrastructure. A secondary goal is provide easy access to common infrastructure services such as security, logging, etc.
Plugin Manager Plugin which monitors Url's and Query/Form input for sql injection attempts. Provides feed back on those "Bad Eggs" why don't play nicely!
Hangfire integration for Stashbox.
A consolidation NuGet of multiple nugets, all aimed at making some QoL improvements, like .Batch() for IEnumerable Linq and an IOC json "dbcontext" and generic repository
Prism provides an implementation of a collection of design patterns that are helpful in writing well structured, maintainable, and testable XAML applications, including MVVM, dependency injection, commanding, event aggregation, and more. Prism's core functionality is a shared library targeting the ....
Autofac integration for Modulos.
Reguto annotations
Library for threading implicit parameters through method call chains
Write More Code, Less Azure Functions. Functionless is a library to ease your Azure Function development by minimizing the abstraction of your long-running services, processes, workflows, etc.
This package provides a starting point that automatically wires up a new dependency injection configuration for StructureMap using a composition root pattern and injection through either IControllerFactory or IDependencyResolver. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of virtu...
This package provides a starting point that automatically wires up a new dependency injection configuration for Unity using a composition root pattern and injection through either IControllerFactory or IDependencyResolver. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of virtually an...
This package provides a starting point that automatically wires up a new dependency injection configuration for StructureMap using a composition root pattern and injection through either IControllerFactory or IDependencyResolver. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of virtu...
This package provides a starting point that automatically wires up a new dependency injection configuration for Ninject using a composition root pattern and injection through either IControllerFactory or IDependencyResolver. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of virtually ...