Top 20 NuGet infrastructure Packages

Project that contains the classes and interfaces used in creating the default end points in an API project.
Gets you up and going with a DotNet app quicker by providing interfaces for commonly used components such as logging, caching and security.
Dapper + QueryObject pattern, MiniProfiler support included
Simple module oriented framework for creation LOB (Line of Business Application). It incapsulates S.O.L.I.D. principles and provides Onion architecture approach of software development. Incapsulates module communication, logging and datastorage features
Alphacloud infrastructure includes caching abstraction layer and instrumentation runtime.
Xamcc is MVVM infrastructure for C++/CX. Include Xamcc.h file and try it!
ConDep is a highly extendable Domain Specific Language for Continuous Deployment, Continuous Delivery and Infrastructure as Code on Windows.
Remote helpers used by ConDep operations server side.
ConDepNode is a Node deployed to remote servers by ConDep allowing easy remote interaction with servers.
ConDep is a highly extendable Domain Specific Language for Continuous Deployment, Continuous Delivery and Infrastructure as Code on Windows. This package contians operations for interacting with Amazon AWS, like bootstrapping Windows servers.
Seedwork for the Infrastructure Data Application Block
Event/Notification infrastructure application blocks
Design Pattern for auto mapping in ASP.NET MVC.
Provides infrastructure helpers and services to ease WPF applications development.