Top 20 NuGet influxdb Packages
InfluxDB Client Core - exceptions, validations, REST client.
The reference client that allows query, write and management (bucket, organization, users) for the InfluxDB 2.x.
A .NET library for efficiently sending time series to InfluxDB
A minimal metrics collection API for InfluxDB
The client that allow perform Flux Query against the InfluxDB 1.7+.
Provides InfluxDB reporting capability to App Metrics
App Metrics Formatting, formatting metrics data to InfluxDB formats e.g. Line Protocol
Provides text file reporting capability to App Metrics
InfluxData.Net is a fast, portable .NET library to access the REST API of an InfluxDB database and Kapacitor processing tool.
The library supports .Net Framework v4.6.1 and .Net Standard v2.0.
InfluxDB sink for Serilog with .NET standard 2.0 using syslog format for Influx 2.X
.Net client for InfluxDB. Supports all InfluxDB version from 0.9 onwards. Supports both .Net 4.6.1+ and .Net Core 2.0+.
NBomber sink that writes stats data to InfluxDB.
Extends the App.Metrics library providing a set AspNet Core Middleware Components which will record things like error rates per endpoint and an overall rate, request rates per endpoint and an overall rate etc.
Observer for Okanshi pushing data to InfluxDB
InfluxDB sink for Serilog with .NET standard 2.0.
An easy-to-use client for InfluxDB that supports simple query to object mapping.
Corsinvest for Proxmox VE Metrics Exporter Api
App Metrics InfluxDB Metapackage
.Net client for InfluxDB
This library provides support for InfluxDB reporters in the Metrics.NET monitoring and reporting library. Supports InfluxDB Line Protocol for InfluxDB v0.9.1 and above, and JSON Protocol for InfluxDB v0.9.1 and below.