Top 20 NuGet image Packages

Fixed viewport image cropping library for Android with built-in support for Picasso, Glide or Universal Image Loader.
Xamarin.Forms plugin to crop and rotate photos.
A library for producing diffs of images with highlighting.
Round Corner RelativeLayout for Xamarin.Android
Pixelnetica Document Scanning SDK (DSSDK) provides developers with an intelligent, highly efficient toolkit, which offers an easy way to add image processing features that are optimized for document photos that are taken by a mobile device or document camera to their applications. In simple terms, ...
Shrink annotation and email images to reduce database size
Lightweight Image Cropper for Android which also supports no-crop feature
Simple wrapper library for Android ImageView. If you need an always square or rectangular Imageview, SquareImageView is for you.
An easy to use drop-in framework providing user interface for taking pictures and videos and pick assets from Photo Library. User interface is designed to support inputView "keyboard - like" presentation for conversation user interfaces.
The Azure Custom Vision service ( is able to create models that can be exported as CoreML, Tensorflow or ONNX models to do image classification. This plugin makes it easy to download and use these models offline from inside your mobile app, using CoreML on iOS, Tensorflow on...
An extended ImageView that can stream MJPEG videos.
Use this quick start guide to make your first call to the Bing Image Search API and search for a search result in the JSON response. This simple C # application sends an HTTP image search request to the API and displays the URL of the first image returned.
Full screen image viewer(Xamarin.Forms) that includes "pinch to zoom" and "swipe to dismiss" gestures.
Simple Android library to pixelate images or certain areas of an image.
Developer Utilities comes with Validator, Table Operation, Image Conversion, Configuration Manager & Common Functions. Newly Added Encryption & Decryption Utilities.
A .Net Standard library which you can plug into to project and draw gridded overlays onto you images. Please note, Death Socket uses System.Drawing brushes and not System.Media brushes.