Top 20 NuGet ienumerable Packages
The Master Extension Kit is an attempt to bring together a wide range of extensions that developers create and use. Many times, developers will write an extension that another developer somewhere else has already created. The hope of this collection is to normalize these extensions, test them by man...
Tiny library with generic Zip implementation for C# enumerables and some small tools that make complex POCOs generation easier.
General purpose extension methods on the IEnumerable and IEnumerable<T> interface. This includes Page for using LINQ to do efficient paging on IEnumerables without using skip and take.
Nice LINQ extensions.
Extensions to transform IEnumerable into other generic collection types, including async versions.
NQuery is a relational query engine that allows executing a SELECT query against in-memory objects. It can
use arrays, data sets, data tables or any other custom data source. NQuery is completely extensible so
that you can add custom functions, aggregates, constants and parameters.
Pacote responsável por extender as funcionalidades das coleções do C#
### Recursos disponíveis
- SplitCollection (Divide uma coleção em coleções menores, baseado em uma quantidade de registros informada)
IEnumerable ForEach extension methods.
わたしが欲しいと思った適当な機能たち for C#
Code.Generation.Roslyn facilitates code generation driven by fit for purpose custom attributes.
NKeyHash is a IEnumerable-enabled multikey-singlevalue collection. It can use System.Collections.HashTable, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary, System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary, or System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary for the underlying base hashable object. NKeyHash uses...
FAST N SMALL. Covert an Excel File (.xls and .xlsx) to object oriented IEnumerator based on class that matches the same name as the columns. No need of interop or any other reference. See website for sourcecode!
Provides extensions methods for System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{T}
The missing component for AutoMapper version 4.2.1 that allows to Map IDataReader to IEnumerable
The extension method can be used to chunk an IEnumerable into multiple lists of a specified size.
Demonstrates usage of the Xunit.Theoretical Test Cases base class.
Provides a foundation upon which Xunit Theory Class Data may be generated more succinctly.
Provides a set of general purpose Fluent Assertion extension methods methods extending from Xunit.