Top 20 NuGet identity Packages

ASP.NET Identity providers that use Fluent NHibernate.
Asp.Net Identity management dashboard to help you manage user accounts and roles
Middleware that enables an application to support Sina WeiBo OAuth 2.0 authentication workflow
EgoDB Identity Sample
EgoDB Identity Sample Based On Admin Bootstrap 3.x Template
e10 shared would allow you to start working on a project with basic level auths and repository and service layer.
Identity Management application service interfaces.
Authentication middleware for Active Directory with WIA, Ntlm and Kerberos support.
An ASP.NET Identity 3.0 provider for Entity Framework 6
EntityFramework 6 provider for Identity 3.0.
Wanna check if the current user is an ADMINISTRATOR just by putting [AdminChecker] above anything (controller, method, action, etc.)?. If he's (or she) not an Administrator it sends him back to login page (or wherever you decide). Well, this little thing does that. ONLY FOR MVC5 Identity!
Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services Authentication Library for Windows
It's a Sample of Microsoft AspNet Identity using Guid
It's a Sample of Microsoft AspNet Identity using Guid
MOTYPH Platform Identity
ASP.NET Core Identity by default uses string as primary key, using GuIdentity you will have guid as a primary key.
A MongoDB provider for ASP.NET Core Identity framework.
A simple JWT authentication package for API projects