Top 20 NuGet identity Packages

An IIdentityMessageService implemention using the mailgun_csharp API wrapper
Provider for ASP.NET Identity implemented using Telerik Data Access.
ASP.NET Identity 2.1 provider implementation that uses MySql. Have all interfaces implemented + roleStore
IdentityServer3 - Cache.Redis is a library that includes the implementation for client, scope, and user stores using Redis as distribuited cache system.
Implementation of Microsoft Asp.Net identity using Simple.Data for database access
Redis token cache repository for Thinktecture identity
Simple ASP.NET Core authentication and identity provider. Valid users are specified in a simple configuration file. Please refer to the project site at for full installation instructions, usage examples, and sample code.
Build claims for authenticated user and construct a user object from claims.
A RavenDB storage provider library for ASP.NET Identity
DSInternals SAM implements a client for the Security Accounts Manager Remote Protocol (SAM-R) and Local Security Authority Remote Protocol(MS-LSAD or LSARPC). It can be used to import password hashes into Active Directory or to query and modify LSA Policy.
NPoco Identity Provider - Identity provider replacement for the default Entity Framework based provider using NPoco See: for examples and starter templates
In memory stores for MR.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework6.
In memory stores for Identity 2.
A replacement for the Entity Framework Identity Provider built using NPoco. See project site for more information.
A library for enabling ASP.Net Identity to work with Umbraco front-end members. Original code used a SqlCe data store. This one uses a MySql database rather than a Sql CE database
Extensions to the .NET Identity 2.0 package, with support for api keys and authentication tokens
This library is used to simplify the pipeline to use external cookie identity as application identity directly.
Red Arrow Engage Identity Api Client