Top 20 NuGet i18n Packages

Easily Localize Ajax Request, Annotate Controllers for Locale In Url Routing. Add localization in website url such that e.g for english language, you can point to /en/login and etc.
A simple ASP.NET MVC translation helper.
T to localize, Package for unit tests
Creates email messages from localized files or text strings using a Razor templating engine.
Helpers for serializing/deserializing Mascetti translation files in JSON
Multilingual user interface string database
Provides locale content for internationalisation (i18n) software using the Unicode Common Local Data Repository (CLDR). This is DEPRECATED! It is now part of the Sepia project. Please use
Simple pseudo-internationalization utility library: allows you to convert any latin alphabet string to a pseudo-language in order to test whether your application is localization-ready. The pseudo-strings respect links, tags, and other markup. A command-line utility that converts resource files is a...
Xamarin Yaml Localization
Small .NET Standard Pseudol10n library.
Extension Methods for ASP.NET Core usage of Fluint library.
A Fluent library for I18n lookup.
Easy and intuitive localization tools for Xamarin.Forms.
Internationalization (i18n) library for .net (.net standard, .net Core, .net framework). Uses default i18n json files, located on locales folder, located on the application root folder, or custom folder. Auto-detect current system language or manual set.
A simple i18n resource manager!
A simple i18n resource manager!
Cosmos I18N library
This NuGet package allows you to localize your Blazor app even validation messages based on .NET Core localization infrastructure such as "IStringLocalizer".
Mindbox.I18n internationalization library
A single extension method for string to change it from English to a pseudo language