Top 20 NuGet html Packages

支持通用网页以及百度智能小程序HTML信息提取,能够自动提取 Title、Content、PublishTime 等字段
Html pages generator for mermaid diagrams.
Extension for Microsoft DI for WkHtmlWrapper.Pdf.
.Net wrapper for wkhtmltopdf.
Extension for Microsoft DI for WkHtmlWrapper.Image.
.Net wrapper for wkhtmltoimage.
Providers additional requesters and IO helpers for AngleSharp for .NET Framework 4.6.1.
The F# Data library (FSharp.Data.dll) implements everything you need to access data in your F# applications and scripts. It implements F# type providers for working with structured file formats (CSV, HTML, JSON and XML) and for accessing the WorldBank data. It also includes helpers for parsing CSV, ...
WQuery enables parsing and then editing a HTML code with the assistance of a fluent interface just like in the case of a jQuery library. WQuery is a part of a Wojdav Bootstrap Mvc package. The parsing of the HTML code is based on a WHtmlParser library. For now, a WHtmlParser contains some limitation...
Support Okapi, providing html report formatter
AK47 Framework MCS.Library.HtmlParser
Uses AngleSharp and ClosedXML to automatically convert an HTML table to an Excel spreadsheet.
pigeon-maps bindings based on the Feliz API
react-popover bindings based on the Feliz API
Plotly.Sharp provides a strongly-typed binding that generates embedded HTML using Plotly.
React-Markdown bindings based on the Feliz API
A helper library for parsing recurring events of [dhtmlxScheduler]( on ASP.NET/ASP.NET Core backends.
Calendar extension for Feliz.Bulma