Top 20 NuGet hololens Packages

Provides the targets needed in order to run on Android
Provides common MSBuild targets to run in different platforms
Provides the targets needed in order to run in Web platforms. Based in Uno Wasm Bootstrap:
Low-level bindings for RenderDoc used in WaveEngine
Provides OpenGLES rendering implementation for Wave Engine
Library to enable your PC app to stream holographic experiences to a Microsoft HoloLens 2 over Wi-Fi.
Provides WebGL rendering implementation for Wave Engine
OpenCV libraries packaged for Hololens (UWP/C++)
HoloJS is a JavaScript runtime for AR and VR graphics things. It provides unified rendering for AR (HoloLens), VR (Windows Mixed Reality headsets) and 2D desktop using standard WebGL/WebVR scripts. HoloJs can be embedded in Win32 and UWP apps.
Wave Engine's OpenGL common implementation
Low-level bindings for WebGPU used in WaveEngine
Low-level bindings for WebGPU used in WaveEngine
Provides the ability to use GTK as a window system
Library to enable your PC app to stream holographic experiences to a Microsoft HoloLens 2 over Wi-Fi.
A set of APIs that allow you to provide simulated data to Windows.Perception APIs for your app. Required for Holographic Remoting.
Microsoft HoloLens 2 Emulator Windows Holographic, version 24H1 May 2024 Update (10.0.22621.1376)
A lightweight low-dependency C# rendering library for MR / AR / VR / Desktop using OpenXR!