Top 20 NuGet health Packages

gRPC C# Health Checking
HealthChecks.SignalR is the health check package for SignalR.
HealthChecks.Uris is a simple health check package for Uri groups.
HealthChecks.SqlServer is the health check package for SqlServer.
HealthChecks.System is the system health check package.
HealthChecks.Redis is the health check package for Redis.
HealthChecks.RabbitMQ is the health check package for RabbitMQ.Client.
HealthChecks.NpgSql is a health check for Postgress Sql.
HealthChecks.MongoDb is the health check package for MongoDb.
HealthChecks.Network is the health check package for network services.
HealthChecks.MySql is the health check package for MySQL.
HealthChecks.Kafka is the health check package for Kafka.
HealthChecks.Elasticsearch is the health check package for Elasticsearch.
BeatPulse is a health check library for ASP.NET Core Applications.For more information see
An implementation of the draft health check RFC located at
Consul.NET is a .NET client library for the Consul HTTP API
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection (IServiceCollection) support for App Metrics Health.
Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting (IHostBuilder) support for App Metrics Health e.g. provide the ability to continuously report health via a Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.BackgroundService
HealthChecks.Oracle is the health check package for Oracle Database.
Premium data set for the Healthcare industry. Generate fake patient information, medical records, illnesses, symptoms, human anatomy, drugs, dosages for your applications, UIs and databases.