Top 20 NuGet hashing Packages

A collection of simplified wrappers around the most commonly used hashing algorithms.
Application Layer File System Sharding Client
Hash passwords easily (with salting). You can choose between 6 different hashing algorithms which are sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512 and blake2b
SharpHash is a C# hashing library which provides an easy to use interface for computing hashes and checksums of data. It also supports state based (incremental) hashing.
SharpHash is a C# hashing library which provides an easy to use interface for computing hashes and checksums of data. It also supports state based (incremental) hashing.
An implementation of the Rfc2898PasswordDeriveBytes algorithm for securely hashing passwords
General security functionality.
Express Security is an easy to use wrapper for security implementations inside your .NET applications. The latest version of ExpressSecurity abstracts 2 popular hashing and 2 popular encription mechanism that can be used anywhere on your application. With lot of ease. APIs exposed and clear consista...
A assembly to make it easier to encrypt and hash.
Utility classes designed for ASP.NET MVC; deals with encryption, routing, caching, authorization, and various other security issues. Designed by used with Dependency Injection.
Blowfish Encyption (BCrypt) provider for MVC.Utilities
This is a wrapper library for System.Security.Cryptography each method accepts a string and returns the hashed value of that string.
An implementation of the Murmur3 hash for .NET
PWDTK Mobile (Password Toolkit Mobile) is a .NET API which easily allows you to create crypto random salt strings and generate password hashes using a HMAC SHA-256 based version of the PBKDF2 specification. It also contains an implementation of password policies which are enforced using regular expr...
A library that implements various encryption and hashing functions.
Consistent hashing for C#.
A basic helper library for symmetric encryption, hashing, and crypto random number generation.
Library contains methods : Hashing and SargisAlgorithm - for rapid hashing of text . It can be used to encrypt the password . Author: Kazaryan Sargis Country: Russia City: Kyzyl E-mail: [email protected]