Top 20 NuGet handlebars Packages

BundleTransformer.Handlebars contains one translator-adapter - `HandlebarsTranslator` (supports the Handlebars ( version 4.7.8). This adapter makes translation of Handlebars templates to JS code. Also contains the `HandlebarsAssetHandler` debugging HTTP handler, which is res...
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging adapter for handlebars.csharp
FastExpressionCompiler adapter for handlebars.csharp
Blistering-fast Handlebars.js templates in your .NET application.
System.Text.Json extension for Handlebars.Net
Newtonsoft.Json extension for Handlebars.Net
Code generator
Code generator
A Handlebars.NET based implementation for generating documentation for libraries as static HTML websites.
Wraps handlebars.js ( to make it usable from .net.
Wraps handlebars.js ( to make it usable as a NancyFX view engine.
Wraps handlebars.js ( to make it usable as a NancyFX view engine. The Jint and Chevron assemblies are ILMerged.
NitroNet Castle Windsor package
NitroNet Core package
The Mail Templating and Sending Module (part of Dragon Web Framework) for .NET that supports Handlebar Templates (HTML & plain-text), Internationalization, Summary E-Mails (Batching, i.e. do not send more than 1 email per X hours) and Asynchronous Sending.
Blistering-fast Handlebars.js templates in your .NET application.
Code generator
NitroNet Unity package
Wraps handlebars.js ( to make it usable from .net.