Top 20 NuGet gzip Packages
Useful compression utility for easily and quickly (de)compressing strings and byte[] arrays.
Can be used in ASP.NET Core using the included dependency injection container (under Startup.cs call services.AddTransient and register the compression utility service there).
repack of 7-Zip.CommandLine that's capable of including the content payload (consisting of the excellent 7-Zip commandline toolset) when using the newer PackageReference nuget links. also includes a tiny cmdline tool, taking one argument; a target 7za.exe path (full path including file name). when c...
Allows compressing static assets using one of the common formats: Brotli, GZip or Deflate.
A Zlib library for .net core 3 that uses ArrayPool<T> for reduced memory traffic
# ch1seL.MSBuildGzTool
Provide MsBuild Tasks to Gzip and UnGzip files
Parameters: SourceFile, DestinationFile
Parameters: SourceFile, DestinationFile